Start fresh!
When you buy a new mattress get a protective cover which will keep your mattress fresh, clean and keep away dust mites or allergens.
Keep your pets away from the bedroom!
Bye-bye cat hair. So long weird smells.
Febreze your mattress!
Put dryer sheets under the bed cover for that clean laundry scent.
Change your sheets regularly!
Even if they look clean, there are dead skin cells and body oils and dust and dust mites hiding in the mattress.
Vacuum the mattress!
It will help you get rid of dust, dirt, and various dust mites and allergens.
Don’t make your bed, fresh your bed!
Take off the blanket and pillows in the morning, there will be a better air circulation and your mattress will stay fresh and inviting.
If you decide you need to buy mattress instead, visit us at www.NYMattress.com!