Different kinds of Mattresses amd Foam Mattresses from the leading NY Mattress Factory

The first thing you wonder about when buying a new mattress is the different types of materials and different kinds of mattresses available. It used to be that you only had ONE choice, and this one choice wasn't one of the best choices in the world. These old mattresses were not as durable and did not keep for as long as one would have liked them to. Nowadays though, you have ALL kinds of options to choose from when it comes to the NY mattress factory.

Some of the options you could be taking a look at for the more common selections include; spring coil or inner spring, memory foam, latex, water, air and futon. Frankly, we have a memory foam bed at our house, and I love it! It conforms to my back, which is awesome because I have a bad back from an old car accident and it keeps my knees from cramping up as well. It doesn't matter what kind or style you choose, just make sure it's a quality made bed from a store like our mattress discounters New York store.

Also, by taking a look at the rest of our site (…and blog) you can start to educate yourself about which beds are recommended for your use, lifestyle and health. A little knowledge goes a long way. At www.NYmattress.com you can really find great info about all the things you need to know about mattresses. We also give you news updates on various products on our site(s) as well such as when you can find platform beds on sale and what mattresses specials we are having that particular month!