Secondly, as the old wives' tale goes, it really is required that you flip and rotate your mattress. Usually we suggest that you do this every 6 months. This is also a good time to vacuum the mattress and the box spring as well! If you have any stains on the bed, simply blot the stains to remove as much liquid from the surface as you can. The reason it's important to soak up as much as the liquid as possible, is because this could later turn into mildew or mold - not good!
You can also use hot soapy water to clean up any stains as well. Lastly, you can use fresh dryer sheets under the mattress or even under your sheets to freshen the aroma of the bed. I absolutely LOVE the smell of Downy dryer sheets so this is a definite plus! Also, we suggest that you use a mattress cover or pad for your bed, this adds an extra layer of protection from spills and stains and it could reduce the frequency you have to vacuum the mattress as well. To check out some of our most popular mattresses and platform beds on sale - check out our site now!