When those Unexpected Guests drop in...

Summer in New York. Tourists are flooding the streets. Millions of visitors come from all over the world looking to enjoy the food, shopping, culture and your apartment. Yes, your apartment. You know how it works… Your aunty from New Zealand, your second cousin from Spain, your Turkish 3rd grade pan pal – they all need a place to stay.

As a New Yorker, you always have to be ready for company. But where are you going to put everybody? They are defiantly not taking your bed, and the cat just made another hole in the 20 something air mattress you’ve bought this year.

Did you ever consider buying a sofa bed? That sofa of yours needs to be updated anyway and a sofa bed might be a smart option to look at. Look at this one:

The San Juan Sofa Bed is offered in copper, black, and blue micro suede cover that is removable and washable if your guests decide to eat cookies on it. Hey look - it's a real bed:

So next time, be ready when those unexpected guests drop in. Visit www.NYMattress.com and find dozens of styles of both regular sofas and sofa beds, futons, mattresses and much more.